11 November 2017



It is not very helping but i'm trying. It just so sad when you're having stress/ probs but your friends or family members didn't understanding you.Here's some simple things I would do to handle my stress. 

p/s : different person have different effective ways to handle the stress. don't worry, this only the ideas for you.

  •  write on things you hate about. i mean like you take some piece of paper and write whatever you hate to let your stress out. then you erase it(or delete it if you use notes app in your phone hahaha). 

I used to write something hateful on the paper then i used pen to cross it. I mean used some pressure on the pen. I felt much more better 😊.

  • watch some funny variety show (i would prefer Running Man)

Some funny videos can be found in facebook. Trust me facebook has much more than memes. So funny things there😝

  • do some 'me time' to pamper yourselves ( makeover yourselves for nothing kind of fun ya' know)

  • eat. forget about diet for one day and eat as much as you want to
Ice cream! Lighten up ma days hahaha😝

  • Deep breathing exercise. It help me a lot. More oxygen inhaled in proper way😊

  • If the burden gets too hard, i love to get consultation or  i try to find a close friend to speak to. 

  • sleep. very simple. don't need money, energy or tears. just sleep😅

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